Support! I know you from infection and you are really helpful towards new players and you are always kind to everyone :)
Back to playing factions :)
Can we do it tomorrow? I have to go soon.
How long?
I've seen other servers with this and it is a really easy method for reporting Support
Thanks :)
There are a lot of jerks out there but find your true friends and that will bring you happiness
I really want mvp or higher as I can only set 1 home at the moment and I need more homes xD I dont have much to offer Opfacs 2 sets of Prot X...
I guess... bye Jandal, you've been a great friend and I'll be sad to see you go
Video of Super4321 + winterxisxwhitex wedding in minecraft. Thanks to IAFF, Super, Winter, Taka, Bubbly, Helio (Me), Kitkat, shonal,...
Hoping I get unbanned on OP facs and cyp will accept my ban appeal, Mv is still awesome
Even if I get unbanned... MV isn't fun with your friends... Probably quitting forever too.
Thanks Alma <3
Looking Good :)
ign: helio2001 offender's ign: Elmo_Viper360 Rules they broke: Hacking Evidence: [media]
Ign: helio2001 Offender's IGN: Xxmateusz00xX Rules they broke: Saying 'Giving away God kit' or 'tp for OP raid' then killing them Evidence:...
IGN: helio2001 Offender's IGN: TheKidnapper101 What did they break?: He was hacking with anti kb and killaura Evidence: [media]
Alma got me VIP <3. Also, back into MV, on OP facs :D
I was provoked by Ducky, as he called me a "Douche"
Ign: helio2001 Offender's Ign: _ReaperHD Description of event: He was hacking with Kill Aura anti knockback and maybe regen hacks? as he didn't...