well noobcrew and cyp never respond
You can visit the new and improved Radiance Gardens at my old plot
And finally improved my spelling
Since the old one was lost due to major plot issue I now introduce to you Radiance Gardens version 2 a better improved version. After the major...
i am Now the poorest in survival
It takes a long time Because They Never Respond to anything
This Was My favorite Server why did it die on me
Yeah I am Getting Bullied back at Survival and creative just because i have autism
creative is Dying To And i agree wtf is wrong with people these days
And I Gave you a like
This can be The Lobby if You'd Like The First Floor would be The Spawn Point and The Second Floor Would Contain The Builders heads and Mine since...
My Plot radiance Gardens has automaticly switched Owners and Pile is very Confused figuring out that its mine so i have Closed it Down until the...
why Thanks It took me a hour to Build It
How do you not have proof? i sent you information Lots of Information Like i placed Signs on The plot to remind people i own it
In mineverse i built a replica of the kingdom of Meridell from the ps2 game Neopets The Darkest faerie and It Looks Pretty awesome
i am Living in a abandoned Village is it that hard to figure out no one will take my Junk
mods are popular in minecraft remember that
Meet me in mineverse creative now i have to show you because its taken a month month
So I was saving money so i could afford a beacon but i could never reach that amount so I kept on trying. after a little while Survival reset and...