This game is extremely easy to set up, and could be a minigame more then anything :P It's nothing big, but it's tons of fun if you are with the...
Thanks so much pile <3
Thanks Cade :D
Anyone else have an opinion they wish to share?
My life plan is to go to the Marines as soon as I graduate. From there I would get basic training, and get hands on experience, hopefully dealing...
Props to you for being with your girl friend and son at your age man, I know a lot of people who would bail. I'm going to the 11th grade as...
Thanks madison :)
You've only been CAUGHT hacking twice. You shouldn't be hacking at all!
I'll pick Europe just for you :3
The Format confuses me a bit.
Ohhh you were talking about the forums :P try to be more clear. I was a bit confused. I see what you mean and I think that would be cool!
Yeah, it was when I was a noob I don't worry about it anymore, I get out. I just never knew there was a command
Wow, All those times I Logged out on prison in the mine when it reset. xD I died twice for that.
What does that do?
I think it would be cool, but there is too many problems that could come with it, like people abusing it when there are no staff on to enforce the...
I got 4 :3 I'm proud
Sup Lee :P
Thanks man :) Good luck to you getting back on as well. You have my support as far as that subject goes.
Skype: slayingoranges :D Hmu
I can get on at about 4 pm PST if you want