Wut shows
You and @Random are great people. Much respect
When the owner rages at said person for hurting his online ego
No. You only say sorry to someone if you did something wrong. My friend here did nothing other than make suggestions to fix MV, which lil Cyp...
When you apologize to @CypriotMerks for simply trying to better the server There's no need
Ya I know what this f*ggot said in PM too. this guy should prob grow a pair
This isn't hate m8. She was demoted for hurting @CypriotMerks precious feelings/ego by "talking behind his back"
that moment when ppl cant handle the truth
@CypriotMerks is a puss and also has one, so it's no surprise this happened
Wtf is this
nice channel! :/)
.Lmao I remember this
i completely support this
Great work! :))
id say Patrick steward
banana obv :D