Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: _TheSwagger121_ The offender's exact ingame name:...
The other kid is just a other hacker to
Ok Good app but i Never see you on No support
I am Weak at Spelling You don't need to start Fixing my mistakes and not everyone is perfect i just wanted to try to apply for staff to help the...
Andrew if Want Give me ur Snapchat and ill Take a Pic of my Drivers licence to Prove my age Secord 50 Posts is the Limit u need have to apply...
Your in-game name: _TheSwagger121_ What timezone are you in? UTC Nz What country do you live in? New Zealand What languages do you speak?...
Nope i said ur 14
Your in-game name: _TheSwagger121_ What timezone are you in? UTC Nz What country do you live in? New Zealand What languages do you...
Support And( I Think OpPvp Needs a New Map The Map is Really Old Now )
No Support Man I never see you Playing
I dont see you alot ingame But on the fourms ur EverWhere +1 Support
Lol I though The ice Bucket (Challenge) Ended I guess Not
Bad Luck Man But Next Time Record The Trade And You Might get ur Money back or Try to Get Proof
Dam Thats Pretty cool I need a GTX for my Channel
Sorry Man But Your Rude in chat And Disrespectful to Others No Support
1. ed sheeran 2. taylor swift 3. ariana grande 4. adele 5. meghan trainor
Hi guys :P