Check out my application!
Up at the top, there is an underlined A Like A Highlight the word and change the Colour
Sorry but I still think you need a bit more detail & colours! Still %40 Support
Hmm. Maybe %40 support, Maybe a bit more detail on why you should be mod. :)
How old are you? I am currently 13 turning 14 in June. Your in-game name: My in game name is: lrobbo What timezone are you in? Currently the GMT...
Oh lol Ive got it!
Thanks so much! <3<3<3 Like how would you do a quote do an example, sorry to bother you :(
Thanks flux, but I mean on the forums, not in game. :)
I've been wanting to know... Is it §2Hi &2Hi I'm not sure :3 On the forums not in game!
Yep %100000000 Support, Ares_Xena4Mod §2:D
How old are you: I am 12 turning 13 Your in-game name: lrobbo What timezone are you in: GMT What country do you live in: The United Kindom What...
Your ingame name: lrobbo The offender's ingame name: whitetiger47 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swinging their sword...
Your ingame name: lrobbo The offender's ingame name: mineshaft44 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Saying they'll ddos me...
Your ingame name: lrobbo The offender's ingame name: jazzjolt A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Auctioning renamed items....
Helio, U gotta take a screenshot/video
1. Your In game name: lrobbo 2. The offenders In game name: Xxfireboy773xX 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming...