Hello every body, I just wanted to let you all know that im quiting mineverse. I would freely like to thank these people for making my life dream...
thnx dude :)
can u do mine >.<
wht thing do u use, like photoshop or something else. I WANNA TRY 2 :3
What is your ign?- unet45 Can I have a youtube banner? or if not that a profile pic :3 What heading or subtitle would you like me to add (Subtitle...
Follow me? o3o :3 if not that's ok T-T
Yin will u follow me yet? o3o
sup bruh :3 [IMG]
follow me? :3
welcome to the forums! =D
Hello everyone I am Unet45 Our faction "WeRaid" Is currently Recruiting. if you would like to join please use this template, I will decide if you...
I just farted... all over ur wall.. (profile wall)...
so.. can I join ur team? o-o
ign: unet45 rank: God Skype : don't have 1 sry