Hope all is well chump.
IGN : Nervy Issue : Missing my donor rank perms on Prison & I can't rank-up. Screenshot : [ATTACH]
Used to. That's a shame.
Is it still possible for me to transfer a rank from one account to another?
New year ; New reset? <3 :p
Yo. I need to talk to you. I sent you a skype request, accept it plox? <3 ty. I'll try to stay on TS as late as I can, if you can get on early....
IGN : Dontchallengeme Offender's IGN : RaviPvP_YT Reason : Racism / vulgar language. Evidence : [ATTACH]
Very unprofessional of the staff members involved. Just saying. Not something a new player would like to see.
still "Global Moderator" lolol!
Should've titled this " another staff hate thread" , not "random" . Very misleading.
If we get a "/male" "/female" command, they'll have to add a "/notsure" "/imwhateveriwanttobe" , so no one gets offended. ........:hilarious:
I ended up losing my plot AGAIN, and lost priceless items. Oh well.
Try contancting cyp to fix it. Good luck at that. He was never able to fix mine, so someone else ended up stealing my old IGN and taking it. Lol
Bump ~
" I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. " - Charles R. Swindoll
The No questions asked in relation to the "Why don't you just transfer the rank?". I have set my mind, and I'd rather see someone else use this...
Heads up First recording ends with Diggy, Second starts with NoobCupCake
Same thing happened to me. Lol.