I'm going to try to record normally, not sure yet, just gonna have to wait and see where my channel goes. I change up my content a lot, so I don't...
Hey :)
For everyone who has been requesting more videos, I have been using mineverse as background gameplay for videos with the IP in the description....
I have actually played for a while. I just never joined the forums. I'm not sure how posts on forums show how long I played. I respect your...
Thanks to everyone supporting and giving criticism. I will have more mineverse content on my channel soon :)
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ItsSniper The offender's exact ingame name:...
Thanks :)
Thanks! Thanks!
Thank you! Thanks! :)
Wait, so which one of us is ItsSniper, and which is ItIsSniper?
@ItsSniiper I run into you everywhere XD
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ItsSniper The offender's exact ingame name: XparksZ A...
Lol, I've ran into this guy before on other servers. Thanks! Yeah, we get mistaken for each other a lot lol
That isn't me. I have ran into him in servers before, but we are not the same person. Just very similar names lol
Thanks! :)
Introduction Hello everyone! My name is ItsSniper, and I am fairly new to the forums. I have been playing this server off and on for a while, and...
We are different people lol