I bet your reading this xD support
I bet your reading this xD
it definitely looks like you deserve this rank ;)
this is my favourite server thank you keep up this good work
yeh I haven't played nuketown in ages not that its my my fav map but I mean c'mon
hey I'm awesome but you may know me as moddedsupernova
nah no support sorry
yeh I like this idea u have my support
yeh that would be great.
this sounds like a great idea and I see it from your point of view I'm completed myself and since then I don't really play parkour any more, U...
u have my support I like it, it would attract a lot of hackers though -_-
but I'm not new my other account is little_evil_kid
thank you
yeh the EULA sucks, on infection the only kit donors get is and exp kit
yeh the new EULA sucks
yeh I'm noticing a lot of hackers on infection more mods should keep an eye on that gamemode
I agree infection is unbalanced as of now because of people with high prestige's and they get eggs bows which I find is really annoying for some...