Yes. Since the suggestion seems to be useless, then this thread serves no purpose.
The server lags for a lot of people. This, in turn, may make it seem like I have anti-knockback cheats. I would never dream of cheating on...
I did not join the forums just to get you banned. I thought that joining the forums would help me report hackers more. You are not the first...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: DiscreteElite_ The offender's exact ingame name:...
The part of your post pertaining to the idea of your chances of winning and instances of combat-logging make no sense. If I hit somebody with a...
The first thing I saw when I googled "Mineverse server rules" was that thread. Perhaps it should be deleted so that other, more relevant threads...
The reason I made this thread was because I didn't it mentioned in the server rules. I assumed that combat-logging was allowed.
SkyWars can be a fun game. The nature of the games as well as the rewards are enough for some to come back. However, killing somebody may be an...