I support the basic idea of this. I think I needs some tweaks, but the idea is good.
You have my support.
I'm asking once again if there's been anything done with this issue. Thank you.
I was wondering if there has been any progress made on this. Thank you.
Thank you.
Purchased packages: 1 x [Skywars] $100 Information: Sub Total: 3.75 USD Tax: 0.00 USD Total: 3.75 USD Gateway: Paypal Transaction ID:...
Of course I do. I have the confirmation and all the PayPal logs. Do you need me to paste it?
I tried that. I still doesn't show the full amount. When it comes down to it $3.75 isn't all that much to me. I was expecting 100 in Skywars money...
I purchased $100 of Skywars money and only received $50. Is this due to the sale or something else? I'm Arcanamachi in game. Thank you