When it happened to me yesterday I thought to myself that I should screenshot what I had, so that if it happened to me again I might be able to...
Well I was just asking if I could have a mod enchant the stuff for me or an operator, because I find it unfair that just because my internet goes...
This is m00_ima_fish, im using a friends account because I don't remember the email I use for my other two accounts. I was playing kitpvp. Then...
Guys how about we be nice and be civil. Be nice to Ferninator_12 and let the mods handle it, because you know the mods are the law. I don't think...
i did a thread about this a long time ago, so I am trying to revive it. I think we should get a survival reset. I mean factions got a reset a...
1. My username: Toepepper 2. I am reporting: zach1005 3. scamming. i had a titan picaxe and i wanted a tyrant picaxe instead because i liked the...
I don't know how they got it from SnakeEars. His stuff was all claimed. I think they either glitches it in somehow or they hacked.
Hi i'm Toepepper. A lot of people have been leaving survival, for it has been lagging, people are doing the duplicating glitch, there is nothing...
Use imajur if it is over 1mb
Ok thank you!
i was curious, but what time does the votes restart each month? Is it like 12:00 central time or what? If you know can you please tell me. Thank you!
1. Toepepper 2. Hacker4965 3. Scamming. He/She said she would pay me 545,000 on prison for 56,919 on factions. instead they gave me 10,000 and...
Sorry for commenting here, but he could have bidded on those. I have over 5 stacks of wither heads because I bidded and I have 15 beacons. I think...
/seen doesn't work on prison. You have to do /msg shaine or something. I do think that he should be banned though. Sorry for commenting
You teleported to me and broke blocks in my base.
Because I don't trust someone when they abuse their power to win/accomplish something.
1. Toepepper 2. Pile_of_Butts 3. She teleported to me and broke some blocks in my base. It didnt say that she wanted to teleport to me. she just...
Close this thread please.
http://imgur.com/D6lXjlY,CcriRLm http://imgur.com/D6lXjlY,CcriRLm#1
Mastertuckerks, get on prison. I'm on Mineverse right now.