perm ban me?
perm bann this account?
I Was In Creative With My BestFriend, Foe And I realized That I Could Not Put Him On A Lead Because As Soon As I Clicked On him (he is a horse)...
Its Love :>
Your Welcome :cat:
.________________________________________________________________. meow
thats fair @jadey64 @Muss2209
you could use too many items or hacks :I
100% percent support all the way good luck!!;)
@MrParkourGuy @Grayson @Pile_of_Butts (sorry for the tags)
griefing is allowed
umm, you should show some more respect to the staff, they work very hard on this server and you have no write to treat them that way, and i either...
my sponge(s) work Perfectly fine
no proof it was a bad word he could of just been writing stars, **** . its not proof he said it
Your ingame name: pumagirl19 The offender's ingame name: Worph ... A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertisement & Banned...
you may have a skin but sometimes minecraft goes funny, thats you.
thats not render lagg,
no proof, but you can get up there before the zombies starrt but glitch jumping. but it probably hacks