look at the photo says giave kit god to aboodi9081
bro i know ur a god and mods u have prove in front of u please help him back
thanks :DDD
100% suport ur a kind fluffy character (asfjerome skin) u are very kind i think u deserve mod :D good luck
since when do i curse to mods my friend was doing it omg u guys :L
omg -.-
How old are you?i am 13 (TURNING 14 THIS AUGUST ;)) Your in-game name? my in name game is danieldan9081 (im a boy dont judge the colour xD) What...
:d what are u gonna do
Oremaia is swearing alot he curses nearly every 1 in the game
u idiot DONT LEAVE
support :D
How old are you?i am 13 Your in-game name:my in name game is danieldan9081 What timezone are you in?GMT+ What country do you live in?uk What...
he is spamming with invites i think he should be muted :/
if I do one more they will not accept me thank u to the guys who support me i wont let u down if u want detail i had my own server so i know the...
brianNK im 12 im not lieing t occreeperzoo and jammypot :)
Please leave because you have a grudge against me
How old are you?12 Your in-game name:danieldan9081 What timezone are you in?gmt00+ What country do you live in?england What languages do you...