The most dangerous Pokémon is actually Mr. Mime. Yup.
Bump :)
I agree, around 1:14 in the video you show us the other 'side(?)' of the map which is only filled with grass plains with plants. Also your first...
2016 was such a bad year; HAPPY NEW YEAR. Seriously, Happy 2017!
Neutral, try expanding on the "Why do you think you should be a mod" section, further explaining what traits you have to be a good mod.
No support.
If your recorder is "broken" then thats an inadequacy based on the requirements to become a Mod. A mod has to have recording software available to...
Support, this gets really annoying.
Support, many non-qualified applicants are around the 50 messages range and a true applicable Moderator applicant should be more active.
No support, you took a long break from April to December and I think you need to be more active on forums and in-game.
No support, I'm 100% against any Plagiarism and I don't think you're mature enough to take the position.
Yeah Six
I feel like there should be a forum game where THE MODS count up to 50 before a member posts
Fifty two!
Wait so we win?