yo MCR yoyo haio yooo pm me if u see me hey
if you're going to anwser that every thread i make no need to give your opinion . who knows it may happens
o not u again /tempban TextingUrMomRN ban evading
Well , im here from three years and never introduce my self . my name is Steven , im 16 Years old and i live in france . im a pvp player and i...
/report in pvp games would be great no ? no more chat hackusations , avoid toggle /v avoid toggles , and would ban everyone who try to hide it...
thanks for your feedback and yea ikr . ;)
sad to see more staff are resigning . hope you will be applying again soon you were a good mod .
Well , most of the peeps who play OPPvP know how broken is the anti cheat . rollbacks , hits delay , they take 2 secs to register . so i was...
no support . not active in OPPvP and i feel like you're not ready to be mod . GL tho
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: CXTCHED The offender's exact ingame name: ZeriixYT &...
get well buddyboi
ronaldo is bad af xD ... look how good they were at EURO 2016 lOl....
support :)