✯Introduction✯ Hello, my name is KidPlaysMC formerly know as oOScrewOo. I am a very active member on minevese or minecraft. I love to play...
but i would have to wait so long D:
:D Please I know i dont got 50 messages
Oh Okay
Thanks Staff For All The Help
Hello Mineverse Staff I would like to apply for mod, My IGN Is KidPlaysMC Timezone: UTC-10 Country: U.S/O'ahu I Speak english only. Skype:GitSplit...
Sorry, Veracity_ I didn't know what 50 post count was and 2fa but now I know and i have them.
Thanks Staff either way if I don't get accepted or I do get accepted! If I get denied I will gladly love to know what I need to add!