岬から 船を出せば 風を受け 帆が膨らむ ぼくは今 土を離れ 七つの海を股にかける
Tfw tablet drivers uninstall themselves twice in a day..
usually around 750-850ms, not as op as it used to be, i'm legit trash at pvp now. シ I see no demons or cults got you o/
I didn't say It wasn't, I just wanted to know if you'd believe me if I said no.
Only talked to you for the first time yesterday, but Gratz man.
If I gave you my pc specs you wouldn't be able to contain your laughter, I can barely contain it myself sometimes.
If I say no will you believe me?
Am I a legend because of my ping? Pretty sure that was the main reason people knew about me lol. Hit em with that 950ms Straightline.
I haven't listened to much of their new stuff since The Rev's passing. I'll check it out for sure though and get back to you on it.
You my friend have pretty great taste in music.
What's up everyone My name is Setiq, previously known as Daviddisaster I joined the forums as a way to keep in touch with some old friends as I...
Hey Shottey. we should have a rusty 1v1 sometime
<3 Love me pls Connor
Trash <3