Do you like, see sunlight? Like sun? Like outside?
@donkness you should see it ma nigha
I'd be careful with what you say. "SS" also means "Sturmstaffel", which was Hitler's civil police called alike.
Well excuse me Mister, but I wouldn't laugh if I'd get banned for "Lol".
@Exstatisfy special at it again
This is rude
How do you actually look this ban manager up? Nvm got it.
Put som rice in the wok, som dog in the wok, som lettuce in the wok, nihao nihao! Hello kind Asian girl!!!
Thank you, this should be the perfect place for you:
I strongly believe that he needs no help.
Thank you very much for merging my posts, kind moderator lady!
Thank you very much, kind girl.
I am feeling your enthusiasm, old-man Scorvix.
You act like a child that's not learning things, not trying to fit into a community. Understand my phrase as a motivation, instead of hate.
Probably because this is an intro, right?
You exist
That's all? Well damn, it's your own fault for getting banned, it's your own fault for getting muted, because you say what you say. Stop acting...
Don't be sad, if you really want to play them, you'll get a 100 percent chance to do so.
"Nano Boost administered! Get in there." If you like flanking people, try and play Genji. He is not easy to master, yet he's kind of invincible...