My IGN: Turtles_is_Life Offenders IGN: botello4 What they did: Used a diamond sword Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhzLQvPM7deOygrdh
See, Bananurz is also a retired mod xD
There is a type of gun in gta that's labeled "pistol", but it is actually a shotgun. Recording:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhy8NhZRyn5Z3YobT
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: Bagelbrush What they did: Antiknock-back hacking Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhy10UGYpxx9DR5O6
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: UrMyItch What they did: Hacking (I am not sure) Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhyo0zOGompQHEe9i
Sorry I deleted evidence to clear up space, close the thread.
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: iAmori What they did: Advertising to a different server with an ip. Evidence: In the picture I have noticed...
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: Monotheistic What they did: Hacking (bhop) Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhyYb_4T9unQZX1Uc Go to...
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: nikeids What they did: Hacking (bhop) Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhyXIcXIw1QyZH4vk
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: hyrdropython04 What they did: Inappropriate Language Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhyOSnEiA3BNDVw73
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: Lavacreeper169 What they did: Inappropriate Language Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhyJJuuXeMxvwyLOY
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: hyrdropython04 What they did: Inappropriate Language Evidence:...
My IGN: Turtle_is_Life Offenders IGN: hyrdropython04 What they did: Inappropriate Language Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhyBGOLvUHmGY6Fo1
No I have accidentally deleted the evidence to clear up space, and by the way you do not need to login or have a onedrive Microsoft account, I...
My In-Game name: Turtle_is_Life Offenders In-Game name: iAmori How he/she broke a rule: iAmori advertised an ip to another server. Evidence:...
My IGN: No_Hax_No_Skills Offenders IGN: Twothemoon What they did: Tpa trap Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhxvRxwhd5miR1Wza
My IGN: No_Hax_No_Skills Offenders IGN: KoyuB What they did: Tpa trap Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhxpnADod5ypt0RPf
My IGN: No_Hax_No_Skills Offenders IGN: Exqptixn What they did: Tpa trap Evidence:!Apg5bWyXBWCDhxltyKc8o56q1a_W
My IGN: No_Hax_No_Skills Offenders IGN: (Sensored) see in evidence What they did: Inappropriate skin Evidence:...
My IGN: No_Hax_No_Skills Offenders IGN: hyrdropython04 What they did: Tpa trap Evidence:...