Infected, Chance to Poison, Divine.
Support, X+ will be impossible with Gold, Diamond, Emerald etc Blocks being in-fortunable. I don't see the point in playing after X with this not...
I was in a thing with my family and was SO close to winning 1000$ Damn Brady why not kick a FG and not score a TD :P
I don't seem to have proof, I may have an email though.
I'm missing my God Rank on Prison, please help thanks.
Title pretty much says it all don't have the god rank on prison? I did indeed purchase it under the name Brandon5115. Or maybe under DarkBrandon,...
MeanBrandon NameMC me for past IGNs.
Support. I've been scammed a ton. Around 200T worth of items. It's a horrible feeling, and this could help OPPrison & Mineverse gain players.
True The person below me had enough free time to reply to this thread.
1. @xJayCat7x 2. @xJayCat7x 3. @xJayCat7x 4. @xJayCat7x 5. @SecuredMC (Mike) (Jay deserves 4 Slots)
Support, Reasons said above.
Cough Now its like 10Q cause you wanna buy the whole server but Ill help you get what you want fam <3
Mike. Look I'm going to quit and I don't think I will be able to pay you back BUT if you want to talk some more I have some things I can give you...
He gets rid of evidence so that if mods log on they can't ban him.
IGN: DarkBrandon Do you have Skype: No, but I can play for 4-8 hours a day and have usually always online if I do not have School Age: 16 How...
I have decided to move gamemodes. You will be seeing be a lot more on Infection and almost never on OPPrison. For a few reasons, number one I had...
Support. I play OpPvP sometimes and this would be very cool to see how clans work on an Op server
For some reason I highly doubt your Pure_Champion
I know but we need a Mod to check on OPprison constantly watching for Pure_Champion. Really there is no scamming on OPPrison but him.