i want attention
Bump, I also am now Apprentice since I upgraded for the bantz xd
yes please
All I do mostly on forums is report people, making it more enjoyable to play.
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: guardianguy (Kill Aura) Offense: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
ha noob git gud
First and Last status update forever :'c
Same with me.
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: MoistPalms Offense: Hacking (Bhopping/Aura/AntiKB) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: robosmith10 (God advertising lmao) Offense: Advertising Evidence: [ATTACH] ***THIS IS NOT MY...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: EncryptedDucky Offense: Hacking (Obvious aura and at 14 seconds in, he hits me when i'm basically...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: DrinkFabweeze Offense: Offensive Name/Death Wish Name Evidence: I do not have any evidence for this,...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: ZqnUHC and Inspirited Offense: Hacking (Headsnapping constantly) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez69 Reported Player's IGN: whyhack21 Offense: Blatant Hacking (Headsnaps/Locking on) Most likely an mcleaks alt. Evidence:...
Peace man ;I
there is nothing wrong with labymod. its basically 5zig and optifine combined, with 1.7 effects. there is no "macros" in it. im sorry that...
nothing is wrong with laby. ok
proof that i recorded it?