Good luck on mod you deserve it!
No support. I have seen some of your posts on the forums and some aren't very friendly
That pose just made my day
Alright I won't do it again, that's very mature of you btw.
Thank you for getting my point across Apocalypses. You know I'm pretty young compared to most people here so its hard for me to get my point well...
Neutral. It will prob end up like all other mini games UN played
Free bump <3
Since its allowed take a bump
He deletes his bumps then bumps again an hour later. Staying no support. This is against the rules kyra and stacker
Stacker, I see a Trend that is going on with your app. A select few people are bumping it for you constantly. I assume these people are ur friends...
No support.
It's still a really good idea! Support! Btw mathew it wouldn't be take that long to implement, a lot of my friends are dev's and I talked to them...
No support
Apoc doesn't hack....
More support <3
Also to what I was saying up there, People can be active and still not have that many messages. He has 300 and that is a good amount. Herf, I see...