thank you, my friend. How have you been?
Its been a long time Mineverse.. A LONG TIME.
It's me. Mike here again I'm a person.. yeahh
How you guys doing?, Its been awhile since ive joined.
Opprison might be released this year
thanks man, haha Ive changed alot recently
are you guys almost finished?
Cyp himself said all the builds where done. other day I legit just saw him flying around prison spawn doing NOTHING
thats not right though.. players like me who play mineverse just for opprison
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @Pile Any word on opprison??? I tried to ask @CypriotMerks in game but no repsonse. so Mabye this will work
Just made my GFX for it :)
Im going to apply for moderator after I have 150 Messages
To this I say only one thing. When you have the backing of Microsoft (A multi-Billion dollar company) You think they care about acouple hundred...
no it would just hurt the chances of mojang seeing the important emails from cyp/noobcrew also how would boycotting Mojang (A microsoft owned...
when you have a child on your hands it is lol
holidays are over.. thank GOD
This really is a shame that they will not help.. Good luck
She doesnt mess around when it comes to holiday cooking.
My wife is a chef right. so she has this shelf with all her home made spices on it. she prob made 300 cookies, and like 10 pies. amazed me.