@Vanishment You deleted my thread, yet you allow this???
Almost forgot lol, here's my proof of account ownership.
I'm quitting Minecraft and I've decided to sell this account in this forum since this is the only server I've donated to. Current Minecraft Name:...
You're banned? XDDDD
Yay! :D
I prefer guy. :P
Thanks! lol
[IMG] Lol
Thank you! :D
To my favorite moderator out there! @pokemaniac01 [IMG] Sorry if it sucks, I'm really busy, so here's what I can contribute to show my...
These kids kept on saying DDOS -.- They don't even know what it means.
You mean "hacked." When you get DDOSed by someone, it's either your internet will die or you will have very slow connection.
Everyone in Infection was lagging and suddenly I got kicked for flying even though I'm not.
I SUPPORT SWATCHMEN! For being a very nice and epic friend! He deserves this rank. :D
Another I kept on laughing on this kid XD
Your ingame name: Minecraft_FPS The offender's ingame name: sk8ernash A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Excessive Cursing,...