Shems seems to constantly bypass the filter and just act plain rude to other players. I was only able to capture 2 screenshots but they are minor...
This Idea absolutely sucks! *Slightly Nudges Support* (This idea is beast)
1. Your in-game name: NeonSlimer 2. Your age: 14 3. Do you adhere to our Rules? Yes. 4. Your timezone and Infection online time: Monday to...
Support :D I hope Cyp and NoobCrew can trust you as they once did, as it was only a mistake, and however bad mistakes are, you can always make up...
I would but it's 12:30 now and its been a tiring day. I'll ask tomorrow :D
Wanna play some Infection now?
I'm not certain, but I think I have too :D Btw welcome to your second clan, Kitten xD
I dream of a better tomorrow where chickens can cross the road without being questioned of their motives.
I'm the quote king. Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure.
Hey. I've got a bone Wolfie. *Throws it in lava*
I will not decide this, however I support your application. I'll leave this one to AesirHelix.
Accepted. Wait for Aesir to put your name in thread but your in the clan.
I... Am... Shocked... You do realise it costs the same amount of money to place the blocks as breaking the blocks? If your using the blocks for...
First of all, sorry B3N if your seeing this, It will be my last post on this thread. Secondly, Ruminisque I'm sorry about my spelling mistake and...
You obiously did not scroll down. There are two screenshots.
It's who lol?
Dang I must've taken a longer break than I thought from Minecraft if I didn't know that.
Guys, the server probably was whitelisted for maintence, as I wasn't able to join but hey, it's still epic!
Is Mineverse Dying? Not really but I thought I'd show this to everyone because I found it funny. Screenshots: