Please shut down this xD
I think people in infection should be able to give other people xp it will be helpful to new players if they need help and I think that you should...
Hai Hai (Said better then you) xD
can I be in two clans xD
Oh of course :D
Accepted :D
Who do you not like inside the clan?
The clan is growing :')
Hey Neon :D
Ign: AesirHelix Rank (Don't have to be a donor): God Do you have skype (required): Yes but i can't use it rn PvP Skill on Mineverse (1-10): Sword...
Do you have a way we should tell about ourselves such as IGN: AesirHelix How you can help: I am good with teamwork Do you have Skype?: Yes
I have had an account since2015 xD i got logged out by 2fa
Welcome to Kitten Introduction Hello I am AesirHelix and i wanted to create a infection clan that will help new players and grow to help...
Your In-Game Name: AesirHelix Do you have Skype: Yes Do you have a rank?: God Have you ever been banned in the past? (If yes, what for?): Yes...
Ty Jooble :D
I am worse xD