Use this form to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your account name: Blackninja182 The offender's name: _BlackGod A...
Happy birthday!
Hey guys check out our youtube channel. We have a video of mineverse video uploading as we speak right now. Plus we have gameplay videos from a...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: blackninja182 The offender's ingame name: The3Brozz...
/god helps out a whole lot when your building and going to new warps. Ive reported numerous people cause i cant die in their death warps. /god...
I agree with daddy there should be some type of reward system for reports. Maybe redeemable points to use in game n such, but as far as ranks I...
yea just throwing out some ideas cause i would really like for the island level to work. Especially so we can get the really hard challenges
or maybe based off of the total amount of blocks you have on your island
oh da baby!!!! (borat voice)
There was a player a while back that offered me a "mod" rank. I don't remember what his IGN was but i just told him hes stupid n its not possible....
ah they will find out one of these days smh:facepalm:
im saying dude lol must be mommy n daddys money so they dont care :asshat:
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: blackninja182 The offender's ingame name: BlockheroRS...
Well i said i wouldn't report you but u manged to get two other reports? I warned him about language and picking on other players about their IGNs...
omg a picture you can almost see her whole face lol
Your ingame name: blackninja182 The offender's ingame name: Hotwing32 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kept spamming chat,...
i don't know how old some of you are but im 24 i was never really bullied but people would try to. Just remember one phrase that i was told that...