I guess he is true xD
☣I am a Bio-Hazard Beware☣
It Would would but on the down side it was just skyblock so u couldn't do that much stuff
Hello Hello there is a Problem with prison and it is to do with the rank signs. When i first used the Prison Ranks thing it worked i bought B...
Ive did minechat and cleared my inv but im still dead
Please Help On Creative >I Sort of Trolled myself< I was playing with the all-u-want Inventory editor mod and i made a Herobrine's Wand (which...
Yeah I heard rumours true
This Happended to Me too I was first trying my all-u-want inventory editor and i made a Herobrine Wand (It had -100 Health and -100 speed
I am technically banned off creative cause i made Herobrines wand went on skywars with the command /skywars when i went back on creative im dead...
Noobcrew on infection i voted and i got my xp But it didn't make me lvl up before i voted i had 90 lvls and when i voted i got 50 extra but didn't...