Well sorry unlike you I like to follow the laws of the U.S
Ok nor have I there is no need to fussy about a rating I'm done here let's get back to the report.
I think I know where Cyp is taking this. I think they don't want another Justin(if you don't remembered what happened to skyblock a few months ago...
Daddy doxed(according to daddy I'm stupid and don't know the term of doxing) Doxed noobcrew Cypriot and more put out personal information on...
Yes, but surely Daddy had something to do with it.
There's really no need for hidden chat here.
Damn I wish that titled said "Party Time DaddHF is Banned" I hope that day will come.
Anyway lil cris there was hacks you edited the screenshots to cover them up you are a well known hacker on here
Lol chill you got your plot pile did it too chill
Lol you leave a computer great job
Dirty few mods I liked... Now only you.
Dirty was a good mod.
Wtf mental really? People are don't use that your probably some fat kid how would you like if I called you fat? And for Chris what ever you delete...
This so pointless they have more important things to do
Sydney Australia are you familiar with the tv show Lost always reminds me that.
What don't you get its not a big deal you can still get citizen it's just a problem with your title. Many players have this
He can all he wants he's not in game also he didn't make this just for to advertise it. So stop acting like you know stuff
So good at pvp why hack I beat in 1vs1 on a sever with no lag I beat you
Anyway connor how would you feel if you just drank all your potions then they get taken away. Don't say well oh donated so its fair it's not think...