Oh, neat
@StrKillr you stole this meme from iFunny. How dare u
Got banned for lying? Stupid owners
Lock please it's just something don't worry bout it
Alot of people say that their "busy" But i thinks there just partying way to much or just lazy af
@Stacker7 @Exstatisfy
IGN 42766 Offenders name Destroyer1121/ what she/he did: Alot o stuff {mostly ban evading} pruff:...
Report plez http://www.mineverse.com/threads/report-sorry-cant-post-in-reports-section.115551/
ign: 42766 offenders name: Alielena What she did: Teh hax pruff: [MEDIA]
There is no more happy things this server. its going down the drain this server will most likely shut down from a lack of money :/
I would not be surprised if major server owners will try to sue Mojang
Its stupid 99.99999% of your revenue come from the kits/ranks in servers. without them no one will buy them and your server will probably be shut...
Its down. make a server thats called skywars.com join and do /hub thats it
Thanks for the kind words btw :)
Im back.. My mom drove me to a thearapist and I talked with her. Im kinda better now. You can lock now.