Im very active, I've gotten 2 people banned and gotten many people on other servers banned and spent a week on this application
i didn't post farm i was greeting people there is a difference
@Delta pls lock this one
this is my fixed one
i have reported MANY people on other servers and I'm very active
i wasn't post faring i was greeting people
Your in-game name: MouseyFB (Most people refer to me as Mouse though) :) What timezone are you in?: GST (Gulf Standard Time) What country do you...
Welcome!!! would like to see you on the server!
yep ive never seen him online and the 1 time i did see him he was being quite rude
kk :( thanks
is it possible i could keep my rank because i spent so much time on it :(
You should post this elseware or contact a staff with message
I 100% agree
Hi i would like to know if prison is reseting (not op prison) this is because i recently got freeman and it took me a long time and i would not...
oh god xD
We should do it it will make things more organised
I see you are very sorry and i support you. You spent lots of time on this application and you put effort and honesty into it
You dont meet the requirements therefore you cannot become a mod
if your going to complain then your should report him and not just complain around the forums