Support Love Animials and if you are someone who looks after them you can tell your generous and extremely nice !! More colour though
Waiting is the most exiting thing
I have recently been brought back to the mine verse network i haven't been playing for a while and i thought i would like to bring the old...
1. Paramediqial 2. Rei1230 3. hacking 4. [MEDIA]
The funny thing is AmericianPost is ez why do people have to 1v1 him lol
1. Paramediqial 2. ace123jimbob 3. hacking 4. [MEDIA]
I got all of them banned accept SmackHer and ztold LOL
Ok is it alright if you and @Zaxx 1v1??
Hello - Love vids <3
I've been banned
l0l how am i bypassing i have done nothing wrong on fourms go away and stop stalking me !!
Okay you will be placed waiting for a opponent....
@Dyna_Mighty this event can still take place i get unbanned on the time this tourn is dew :D
Im just trying to help :(
All i care about is trying to get this tournament in all i wanted to do is help oppvp and make 1 day fun of 1v1s and have a nice laugh with the...
No , your annyoing i just wanna try do something to help the server and make oppvp fun for 1 day u can hacksuate me after this tourn has finished...
Jewlio go away
Guys stop im trying to make a tournament if u have nothing better to say please leave