You rage too much and get mad when people say stuff . I still support tho
I still want to know why I was demoted there :/ I clean the tree farms every day >.>
You are never on ;-; There are no more guards. Me and kronny where the only ones to do stuff.
This is what happens. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Tree Farm Mall :D Great new addition to prison. Go there to be lavaed/scammed! Once in a life time...
Not hacking. It's bypassing the lag. It helps and would not be conisdered hacking unless you flew/glided to the finish.
Try downloading "better Sprint Mod" Or a hacked client to use the "sprint" feature. I know that "Weepcraft " has it. Links Better sprint....
lawl #Dislike
Lol welcome :)
New Profile Pic :)
OK, LISTEN UP SOLDIERS! I, cueball2001, is announcing an AMAZING opportunity to all you deadbeat prison players out there. I Introduction...
Lol I rated it dumb! jk I was just trying to be funny (I try so hard :/) But I agree.
The war of the green monkey and business creeper is over! REJOICE!
Lol. The treaty of The green eyed monkey is over!
Happier :) Support OoCreeper and his mod app! Help a bro out would ya?
Only guard now is YYY, he won't do anything. Pown, me, and kroon are all banned/demoted.
There is only one guard now... :/ Its dying
It is considered part of the one next to it. Renting the one next to it will give permission for that one too.
I would help but I am banned and demoted.