No support because u told me to stfu and that is very mean and offends my religion im muslim
nice life u got there. u ruined the server and this reset will fix it by hopefully making u realize that playing 10 hours a day was not worth it.
no support. ur name offends me.
Wow not cool bro now they added anti X-ray now we gotta play legit smh
They can't disable withers there's no obsidian breaker so tnt can't blow it up
its up
@Pile oi
Support! If they choose not to add this we need creeper eggs then!
Ill look at it!
Your ingame name: 2ober The offender's exact ingame name: ninsta A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: death threat...
Support but this is the only current way to raid. TnT does not blow up obsidian so if withers are disabled we need and obsidian breaker.
@MaxNinja10 do something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or ill sue
Also this means you cant claim in the nether either.
Support or add creeper eggs to shop for like 5-10k each.
Her ign: Regathering and maybe X_TheReaper_X Please read through the entire screenshots. Most people dont remember V3NOM but I know @Pile does....
1) In the nether on factions you can't use any type of faction commands such as: /fmap /f invite player 2) Also when you in enemy territory you...
sorry i mean triggered.