[ATTACH] Softbank_ SteAmXSnakes Spam and Ilegal trades Screenshot
thank you
xD i do meet the requirements and i said I've been on this server for ALMOST 5 years and its been up for 4 1/2 years so :P
? well would life the best plots were left there for 10 years and we were forced to reset creative and everyone lost there stuff all because there...
Theres should be a rule where u can evict someone from there plot if they haven't been on it for a certain amount of time.
Softbank_ BrAmAt0208 Hacking Video[MEDIA]
okay there XD
Softbank_ maximellyos Spamming screenshot[ATTACH]
Softbank_ maximellyos Hacking Video [MEDIA]
If you do reset the survival can u make sure to make a warning on the forums maybe like a week before hand?
i have iv made over 20 reports and all of them have babbled the people i have reported and i didn't have the intention of applying i made the...
I do not want to apply just to apply Sir. I want to apply to make a difference and i play Gta, sky block, survival, op prison, and both pvp.
About Me: Hello! My name is A.j I love this server i play on it everyday, i love this game modes and functions it offers, and i personally like...
if u have an alt account change the username to your old one or change your primary username to it, if u can't do this then u have to have proof...
look up online and check for and if