Ok, "eiderdown" is the ign
Another server, decided to revisit this place
Panther, from a long long time ago.
Hello, is there anybody in there? Do you remember me?
Hi, my IGN is sxns. I have an account with an elite rank. It only works on skywars and doesn't work on any of the other Mineverse servers....
Help us, admins. the server is not working. we are blacklisted, and when I use squidhq it crashes on joining. This is terrible.
Hello, my IGN is YourAdHere and I found a hacker that is using flyhacks. Their name is CheezyPvP. They broke the rule that prohibits illegal...
Hello. My IGN is 4br4c4d4br4 and I saw another hacker today. IDFman was using Anti Knockback. I have video proof....
Hello my IGN is 4br4c4d4br4 and I'm reporting q1z. qiz has broken the rule that prohibits illegal modifactions and hacked clients by using anti...
Hello, my ign is 4br4c4d4br4 and when I was on GTA I was connected to a mobile hotspot on a lousy signal. I lost the signal and a player,...
Nevermind, fixed it with /rtp. Please close. Thanks!
Hello, my IGN is 4br4c4d4br4 and when I login to gta, my spawnpoint is in the air and I get kicked. Can a staff member please reset it to normal?...
Yeah, pls close this its resolved thx
Never mind, fixed! Sorry!
Hi, my ign is 4br4c4d4br4 and when I join gta, it kicks me and I'm sent to the lobby. It's a problem with my spawn point because I get stuck on...
Hey, I'm ERR_4O4, formerly known as PinkPanther1046. On SkyWars, we understand that it's hard to move a server to another server, but we paid for...