Like thats the thing... I don't know!
So people have been saying that I am fun makers. I do not know who that is but I can prove that I am not that person. I do not want to start back...
do I look like this "fun makers?" I can post a picture of myself if you don't believe me
what is a fun maker
funmaker what
Neutral for now, good luck!
You were great!
Thanks for the feedback.
You were here when I first played in 2014. Goodbye. ;(
Thanks. :)
Thank you. I think I'm gonna and see what happens. :)
Hey everyone! :) I use to play MV back in the day and I am finally back. Hope everyone I met still is here! -Sour
Hello everyone... I have been wondering about this for a while. I used to play on mine verse for hours a day... This was the same way until I quit...
Thanks. ;)
I still am not quite sure if I should come back...