No its not... :D
I faked my age its not 10 its **
I was on creative and all of a sudden people start mentioning there names and birth dates and telling there grades... A person ParkourSlayer...
Servers great!
Im having the best time on mineverse right now its so much fun please share and tell everyone on minecraft and vote everyday!
its okay dont worry
Surge are you there
Some person called SloppyPancake is using some mod/rare item thing and blew up TheoPapas's Head Shop i got video proof but its a bit long.
surge are you there
Im voting mineverse everyday this server rules.
i realised if changing server address or ip doesnt work keep it as mineverse.com and open your minecraft launcher the on the bottom right click...
she just left
nightwinghaa is swearing and using innapropiate language please sort it out on creative.
Having a fun time at mineverse.
Hello everyone... im also getting this error "You are sending too many packets!"I believe its not to do with banning or anything like that as the...