Wasn't able to record any of it in time so close this one but ill make sure to record in the future thought screenshots were still taken as proof...
My ign is TastyBlueCheese The username who scammed me is Turtael He scammed on kitpvp for $60 for a p4u3ds3 set after finding out i got him banned...
07/09/2020 from my at 2:51 pm pacific north west time from my gallery* at 2:51 pm pacific north west time
TastyBlueCheese is my ign RipLAFree9 is the ign of the player accused of cheating as shown in the video below RipLAFree9 used a macro to /heal...
My bad didnt realize unuploading it wouldnt make it availible i have re uploaded it [MEDIA]
checked in my gallery with instant reply the date exactly was 07/02/2020 at 3:35pm exactly pacific north west timezone in u need proof i can...
like proof of time and date? if so how would i show that
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: TastyBlueCheese i have a clip of a user named Turtael using a macro to...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:Feedeble The offender's exact ingame name:ZorroZoid A...
https://gyazo.com/a00f155a8337133b32fb8fe4603bdeae https://gyazo.com/ac6d22c813b60ddceaa5367f1cfa0131 there is the screenshot proving i dont have...
Pile i need help fixing my rank on kitpvp2 im premium and i dont have access to anything my name isnt even yellow
Hi my ign is Feedeble and i have premium and i havent had access to my donor kits /pv or anything on kitpvp2 since i got my rank and i need help...
Zaid i also dont have /pv 1
My ign is : QueroPvPs I don't have my rank on kitpvp2 and i have proof with screenshots that i have premium on op pvp and screenshots of me not...
Hi my ign is Dont2v1Scrub and i have found a hacker He is using bhop/kill aura His ign is MyNameIsBoh Here's the proof [MEDIA]
Hi my ign is Dont2v1Scrub The Hackers exact ign is :Springrose11 The broken rule is kill auru/bhop heres the evidence: [MEDIA]
Hi my name is PvPAlwaysYT and i would like to report this hacker. His User Name Is LudvigOskar He uses kill aura in this video please watch and...
Hi my name is PvPAlwaysYT and i have been playing on op pvp and i ran into this hacker in this vid u can see him hit me from 5 blocks away which...