chil yall its just a joke ik how to spel so plees cam down.
no offens but y do u play minecraft and u r lik in ur 30ds n stuf no ofens...
I am very unhappy. I emailed mineverse 1 time, no reply. the nest time I replied I waited 2 months and still no reply. somone plz help
Why did they have to kill Harambe
R.I.P Harambe 1999-2016
ayy man Anonymoushacker2 was hacking he was flyin to every island
Anonymoushacker2 hacking, Sorry I only had one photo. He was flying to every island. I'm guessing he hacked his acc in the first place.
no support
I just emailed them :)
Thanks :) I have no premmison to god commands, I tried /heal and a few other ones.
It says I do not have enough premissions, so I will try email.
I lost my god rank on kitpvp because my little brother was playing on my account and bought commander. my ingame name: _Plasma_PvP_