I Love the forums
YESSS *does a happy dance*
6 sayeth Scarrrrr
I love it!
Support! I find that chest shops are better than the /AH because some people don't even know about it. But chest shops are actual physical items...
Support but I think bedwars should stay as that usually has at least one lobby full every time i go on.
Neutral, it would be nice BUT I KNOW it will be abused.
Sorta get it and no support.
nice idea, support!
No support, the template we have right now is fine.
Support on the anti cheat. I am tired of losing all of my gear to a killaura hacker.
Support! would be nice!
No support, I agree with what Scorvix said.
YES SUPPORT! My kills are stolen all the time:mad:.
Support! :)