Support, eventhough the app looks less fancy than most people, we need staff who know what hacks are and you are a good pvper.
No support, it's fun to have rare items
My ign: SheetOfPaper Offender: TankedAnt88 He said he'll hack me
OMG YOU CANT USE OLDER VERSIONS is it that hard to understand No you can't There's ghostclients for 5zig, forge, NORMAL MINECRAFT VERSIONS, so...
You are a horse, I lied to you, I hope the bullets hit you
LOL get good 4 false bans for hacking always got unbanend because I'm the besttt
You can't use an old version of labymod, there's no point in keeping it bannable just allow it omg
Mineverse has no future with out kits, it will die as soon as they remove it everyone will quit, wich would do the same as getting the server...
It auto updates when you close minecraft and there's no way to avoid the update unless you are a very intelligent person, is it that hard to...
Still can't
u ez
I see you everywhere, I swear you make me cry xD, are you one of 2uber, Blitztiger or gansta ingame xD
I've just read your edit, Buying ranks with ingame money would fix everyone's problem I suppose. Support to make ranks buyable with ingame money,...
Sorry, can't see them
where are your eyebrows
No support, removing kits would make no one donate for mv wich would kill it aswell
It auto updates after closing minecraft
You did advertise and I screenshotted it.
triggered af Miss Burito