I made an appeal and staff don't show evidence they just ban I have found that out for everyone ban appeal I have ever made.
Just chilling and hoping I can get unbanned from OpPvp soon since they always ban me but never show proof.
No support for one reason and one reason only you guys will randomly false ban people for no reason more than you guys already do.
Oops lol I reported you on accident I was trying to say right I just got banned for using 11.2
Next time any of you mods wanna ban me show me proof omg I am done I am about to quit this server and its my favorite one Show me proof dang
Omg now I have been banned twice in a day. Now I have been banned on ArcherPvP because I was "Hacking" when I was using 11.2 omg these mods.
I did but mods esc arnt to active on fourms. And I wanna get back to pvping as soon as possible
Anyone else always get false banned because of slabs?
Lol I had it in the right section they moved it saying that it was Off-Topic and not serious
Lol like for real you know it is all the Helpers that are just trying to be cool bye banning non hackers instead of hacker. I never did ...
Lol I was being serious if you think this was a trol I will LMFAO
Ok lets see since you do not have good Helper/Staff I decided why in the hell not try to become staff your whole server is crap all helpers do is...