i play comp alot, my tactics are you be ur best character and ill be pharah or junkrat and i do really well if we play on nepal, oasis (control...
The best map for pharah is Nepal (Inside the palace), Oasis (Mabye), and all the maps where the point/payload is next to a drop that kills you. EZ...
I fell you, this is my 4th year on Mineverse and i have seen so many people leave the server never to return. -I fell u
yay ducks :)
ducks :)
u on my /friends so i wanted to
I don't think so [Yet]
what do you mean by that and so what if there is an edit button
also i have answered your questions
ty for telling me what to do to become a mod
ty for your msg on my mod application
Cosxtte here Your in-game name: Buddapig What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? England What languages do you speak?...
also how do i do all that stuff
I understand when i did the application it didn't tell me what i needed to do
As you might know I have been playing on this server for a long time. over the years I have been watching and playing the game to find out more...