Your ingame name: Recorded_ The offender's exact ingame name: sep555 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming...
iamori Im unbanned in 4 days yay, + Duplicqtion or something is ur alt ur the one who gave me the book.
Thank You
Do you mean link to the first report (the evidence), or the thread showing he/she was banned for that reason.
What do you mean by "Yes.", do you mean that you have to show the link to the actual evidence or the link to the first report? Please answer wisely.
No that's not what I mean, I mean what happens if a person advertises the second time, but not the same ban. Do you have to show the link to the...
Oh you mean someone hacked account?
??? what u mean Anways why u wanna get demoted just a question?
Ok who thinks Noobcrew = CypriotMerks?
Your unbanned anyways so
I have a question about reports. If you report a player the second time for some things, instead of showing the link to evidence, can you show the...
Omg, using HoloLens can't type a lot. SO AWESOME OML!!! Proof: Click this link,!Apg5bWyXBWCDhxKOJs4yRO-HR5Uu or look at...
yeah don't leave :)
Op, miniature train :)
Ik awesome
Here is a miniature train set I made using command blocks (Link):!Apg5bWyXBWCDhwzLO2daA73rhHNb Here is a miniature house I...
xD, yeah, did you know Noobcrew and Cypriot, are like 15 yrlds getting money from 7 year olds. Not Fair :(
Guys the reason they say Donate not Buy, is because it's not guaranteed you'll get a rank. If some stupid crap happens it's not their fault, they...