I guess I'll go ahead and say Support, because I really like the map concept and feel most of it was really well executed, my only suggestion...
Chilling around, probably on Pokemon
No support. It is too plain, add more detailing and fine texture. The idea just doesn't feel to creative/unique either, nor the execution of the idea.
Support, assuming it is possible.
Support, looks like a nice map.
That would be a really great addition for new maps. I believe the recent submission "Wildwest" has a spawnpoint like that.
No support in the slightest. If they got banned, it was for a good reason and for breaking the rules. This would essentially be saying that...
I'm going to go ahead and change to Support. I recently joined an Infection map and was horrified to see that the whole game was 10 or so Titans...
Neutral. There is a lot of unused space (that only is taken up by a few hill and whatnot), which makes me feel like this is a simpler version of...
Neutral currently. My issues are only that the ground is REALLY flat and could use some texturing, and and it seems overkill empty right now. I...
Support! Thats a really beautifully designed map! :D
No Support. I feel like spawncamping is part of the game, despite how annoying it can be.
Support! Looks far better than Caves, I remember that massacreland XD
I'm going to say Neutral on this. It looks pretty cool, and I like the theme, but feels a little hastily constructed to me. Perhaps a few less...
I think that it needs a lot more detailing. No support currently.