I support you lovely reborn ;)
no one can give you your items back sorry
I support you Kinsey, I loved you as moderator :(
Everyone who quits comes back eventually ey, cya ;(
No problem :D
hi, welcome cx, play with me
eyyy welcome
Support man, I love this
I support what @Alex said.
support yo, I hate it being so short.
If I could I'd rate this suggestion dumb, eyyy, only joking ofc Support.
yeah, someone disliked my report because they didn't want their friend to be banned, support
Support, expect for #9, pls no.
I support this as well, I saw you build it :)
cool map, I support.
I hate this, but I already knew. Support ;)
also parkour. But bedwars gets decent amount of players.. Support.
I support this
how can you quit and still be here.
Peace? That's funny, we can't make peace hahahaa