Your ingame name: Arboklv12 The offender's ingame name: X_ShadowWolf_X, Destructor434, ennes2000 A description of what rule they broke/how they...
He said Why Not
Do /f f GleeFever and see. I'm still recruiting.
Nope. All I'm gonna say is that it's in the ocean and it's a obsidian castle.
You are very welcome to try raid me if I give you my cords. But you will fail.
Please fill out this format exactly and have your chance of being picked for GleeFever. Some important things about your application: *Be honest...
Yea like that'l happen,
I'm back in London. Let the war begin.
By the way, If you accept ThePLCookie he will wreck your faction. On survival I almost lost a set of P4 just because he spleefed me.
Listen mate, I have a supreme friend who gives me his kit everytime. If you do not want /kit supreme I am assuming you don't want me in your...
Don't Forget this means war mate.
1. Your Ingame Name: Arboklv12 2. Building skills (1-10) 10 (mainly redstone) 3. PvP skills (1-10) 7.5 4. Why would you like to join my faction?...
Btw do you have to post something soo creepy? What if like a 2-year-old finds his brother looking at that? And zombies in MC are not a threat...
I suffer the same thing. Egg should either be nerfed or modified not to make such wreckage like still in a 10x10 area but only do 1 big massive...
That is kinda good. Maybe they can add a Permission thing for people that aren't on your island like /AnimalTrust [Playername/all] [Radius]
He did it to me and asked me to pay 40$ instead so I did and then I see him run to his ender chest and put It back and I thought he was getting...
Hey! He did the same thing to me! If /invsee was allowed I would of literally seen his armor and probably attempted to get him banned. /invsee...
Your ingame name: Arboklv12 The offender's ingame name: PunkieDrummer A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Basically, I was...
Your ingame name: Arboklv12 The offender's ingame name: Awesomegumi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: On infection, she was...
I agree